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Level 2

RHS Level 2 Certificate in Practical Horticulture


This qualification has been designed to provide candidates with the breadth of horticultural knowledge and skills required to carry out routine tasks proficiently in a variety of contexts. It supports progression to employment within areas of the horticultural industries (such as professional gardening, landscaping, plant production and garden retail), as well as supporting learning in entry level roles in the early stages of a horticultural career. It is also designed to meet the needs of the amateur gardener.
It also provides candidates the opportunity of personal development, including the changing of careers and engagement in their learning and offers an opportunity to develop transferable skills such as problem solving, implementing management plans / programmes, and communication as part of their applied learning.

During the course you will cover:

  • Plant Identification: provides the skills and knowledge to enable candidates to identify a wide range of plants.
  • Plant Establishment: provides candidates with the skills involved in the establishment of plants in containers and the open ground.
  • Plant Propagation: provides candidates with the skills and underpinning knowledge to propagate plants professionally.
  • Plant Health: provides the skills to be able to identify and prevent a range of threats to plant health.
  • Plant Care: equips candidates with the skills and knowledge to be able to implement garden maintenance plans.
  • Plant Pruning: equips candidates with the horticultural skills and knowledge to be able to prune a range of plants.
  • Garden Features: provides candidates with the skills and underpinning knowledge to be able care for and maintain a wide range of garden features.
  • Grassed Areas: provides Candidates with the skills required to establish and maintain grassed areas in private and public garden settings.
Please note that we offer two sessions for this course:
  • Friday 9.30am to 12.30pm
  • Friday 13.30pm to 16.30pm


This course is suitable for beginners and there are no pre-requisites for entry to this qualification, just a keen interest in the subject.


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