Brinsbury College is committed to the promotion of equality and diversity for students, staff, applicants for jobs and courses, partner organisations and visitors.
Our aim is that all individuals at Brinsbury College should have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We want people to feel welcome, safe, valued, included and respected.
The college serves the learning needs of the whole community, with the objective of promoting the economic and social well-being of the local area. We strive to be customer-focused in terms of accessibility, relevance and flexibility.
We work to eliminate unfair discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations for people, irrespective of their age; disability; gender; pregnancy and maternity status; gender identity; race; religion or belief, and sexual orientation. The college considers the impact of its activities on equality, and takes action to address any issues identified.
The college values diversity and recognises that people with different backgrounds, skills, attitudes and experiences bring fresh ideas and perceptions, and enrich our educational community.
Our Equality and Diversity Policy brings the college’s Core Values to life – making learning central; delivering excellence; valuing each other; behaving with integrity; being inclusive and serving our community. All members of the college community – staff, students and others – are expected to uphold it.
IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism has been adopted by the Chichester College Group. Further details and more information can be found here: What is antisemitism? (
Governance and management of equality and diversity
Chichester College Group is passionate about equality, diversity and inclusion. It is considered throughout our governance structures and recently has been the focus of a governor development event. It is a key priority for the Group Leadership Team.
The key principles of equality, diversity and human rights are embedded in all aspects of its business, activities and culture. However, the Chief Executive has also established an equality, diversity and inclusion working group following the murder of George Floyd. The action plan focuses on specific areas covering Students, Staff and Stakeholders. Staff are updated on progress in achieving the key objectives at termly staff briefings.
Equality and diversity themes and objectives are key topics covered in our Attitudes, Choices, Skills and employability (ACES) tutorial sessions but are also embedded in the everyday life of the colleges.
The college is keen to support students with convictions and to help them succeed.
Having criminal convictions will therefore not necessarily prevent you from taking up a place at Brinsbury College (part of the Chichester College Group), but entry to the college is dependent on you honestly declaring any unspent criminal convictions you may have. If you have unspent convictions but fail to disclose them when you apply, you may be asked to leave your course or face other disciplinary action.
As an organisation using the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to assess applicants’ suitability for positions of trust, Chichester College Group complies fully with the DBS Code of Practice and undertakes to treat all applicants for positions fairly. It undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any subject of a Disclosure on the basis of a conviction or other information revealed. A criminal record will not necessarily bar an individual from obtaining a position at the College.
What to do if you feel that you have been discriminated against, harassed or victimised.
Discrimination, harassment and victimisation is illegal and contrary to the College’s Equality and Diversity Policy.
What is discrimination?
Discrimination means treating someone worse than other people for some reason. You have rights not to be treated worse than other people, in most situations, because of your:
- Age
- Disability
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Maternity or pregnancy status
- Sexual orientation
- Gender identity.
What is harassment?
Harassment is like bullying – it is unwanted conduct, which is offensive to the recipient.
Harassment can take many forms. Employees and learners may not always realise that their behaviour constitutes harassment, but they must recognise that what is acceptable to one person may not be acceptable to another.
Examples of harassment include, but are not limited to:
- Ridicule or demeaning behaviour.
- Insensitive jokes and pranks.
- Lewd comments and gestures, leering and whistling.
- Unwanted personal contact.
- Displays of suggestive or pornographic pictures.
- Threat of exclusion, loss of progression to another course etc. for unreasonable or personal reason.
- Bullying: i.e. the use of aggression, intimidation and/or cruelty, either physically, emotionally or verbally.
- Behaviour which condemns, ridicules or excludes people e.g. on grounds of sexual orientation.
- Socially unacceptable behaviour which fails to tolerate or acknowledge the rights of individuals within different religious convictions, beliefs and practices.
What is victimisation?
If you have complained about discrimination, or have supported someone else who has complained, and feel that you are being ‘picked on’ because of the complaint, this might be victimisation.
What to do if you feel that you have been harassed, victimised or unfairly discriminated against.
If you feel able to, it is usually helpful to explain your concerns informally to the person who you believe is harassing, victimising or discriminating against you, as they may not have been aware of the impact of their actions. If this does not work, or you do not feel confident to speak to the person directly, confiding in another trusted member of staff or speaking to the person’s line manager is another option. All teachers and other staff, who receive information of this kind, are responsible for ensuring that the matter is dealt with seriously, but sensitively.
Any member of the College community who becomes aware of any acts of discrimination, harassment or victimisation has a duty to take action to help prevent further inappropriate behaviour.
1. What to do if you feel you are being discriminated against, harassed or victimised by another student
You must tell a member of staff such as your tutor or Personal Adviser about what is happening so that they can take action.
The Student Code of Conduct says that students must –
- Use acceptable, inoffensive language.
- Follow College guidelines on computer usage.
- Refrain from all aggressive or violent behaviour.
- Treat ALL staff and students with respect.
The Disciplinary Procedures for Students contain examples types of behaviour that is contrary to the Code of Conduct and that may constitute Gross Misconduct. If Gross Misconduct is proved, it can lead to exclusion or a final written warning. Examples of Gross Misconduct include:
- Sexual harassment (which the recipient finds offensive and threatening) or bullying.
- Racial abuse, racial harassment or victimisation of any sort.
- Abuse, harassment or victimisation of any sort in relation to a person’s sexual orientation, disability, age, religion or belief.
2. What to do if you believe that you have been discriminated against, harassed or victimised by
- a member of staff;
- a volunteer working at the College, or
- someone from one of our partner organisations, such as a member of staff at a work placement.
You should tell a trusted member of staff such as your tutor or Personal Adviser about what is happening, so that they can take action. If the situation cannot be easily resolved, or you would like to make a formal complaint, please contact us.
The College has published general advice for students on bullying:
Bullying – Our View
At Brinsbury College, we want a safe, secure and welcoming environment in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect. All members of the College, including learners themselves, have a responsibility to recognise bullying and to take action when they are aware of it happening.
What to do
- Tell a parent, a friend or a trusted member of staff such as your Personal Adviser
- Act promptly before the situation gets worse
- Be assertive
- Tell the bully he/she is annoying you and you want it to stop
- Avoid situations that may lead to bullying
- Control any fear you may have
- Look at your own behaviour and see if it is contributing to the problem in any way
What not to do
- Argue with the bully
- Act with aggression or retaliate in any way
- Ignore the bullying
- Keep it to yourself
To view the Equality and Diversity Policy and Annual Report click the button below to go to our Group Policies page
The College has agreed to meet five commitments in its role as an employer.
These commitments concern the employment, retention, training and career development of disabled employees, and are in addition to the College’s legal obligations.
What commitments has the College made?
To earn the two ticks symbol, the College has agreed with Jobcentre Plus that they will take these action on these five commitments –
- To interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy, and consider them on their abilities;
- To ensure there is a mechanism in place to discuss, at any time, but at least once a year, with disabled employees what can be done to make sure they can develop and use their abilities;
- To make every effort when employees become disabled to make sure they stay in employment
- To take action to ensure that all employees develop the appropriate level of disability awareness needed to make these commitments work;
- To review annually the five commitments and what has been achieved, plan ways to improve on them and let employees and Jobcentre Plus know about progress and future plans.
What does this mean to me as a disabled member of staff?
- The fact that the College has made these commitments means you’ll have the opportunity to say if you feel that more can be done to develop your career, and to enable you to use your abilities more fully.
- The guaranteed interview promise also applies to internal vacancies advertised within the College, provided that you meet the minimum criteria for the job. If in doubt, check with Personnel what the minimum criteria are.
- If you become disabled, or your level of disability changes, and there are aspects of your present employment that make it difficult for you to carry on in the same work, the College will do all it can to make sure you can stay in your job.